Microsoft joined the world of IoT with its Azure IoT Suite. I could not wait to test it. They have a couple of Starter Kits for beginners that include Adafruit’s Feather, Sparkfun’s Thing, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison, etc. You don’t need those starter kits if you already have any of...
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Graduation Mortar Board
Everything that has a beginning has an end!
Update 1: My mortar board is featured on Arduino website!!
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Potential Field for Mobile Robots
Intelligent System course at UTA was taught by Dr. Frank Lewis, a pioneer in Control System. Among many things those he taught us, one of the tasks was to create a potential field and then traverse mobile robots that follows that potential field.
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Human Robot Interaction with Robotic Skin
We were fabricating MEMS pressure sensors in our research facility, UTARI, by using inkjet printing technique. We tried different recipes in order to come up with better flexible pressure sensor. The experiment had four distinct steps:
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Kalman Filter
For Moving Object Tracking!
As a part of Intelligent System course project, I implemented kalman filter to track a line following robot. I used Matlab’s image toolbox for image processing to find the position of the robot from a video.
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